Our Platform
EPCAL PLAN: We will not be closed minded to options, We will look at all options that are Economically and Environmentally sensible and in the best interest of the people of RiverheadQuality of Life issues: Initiate a get tough attitude with petty criminals and code violators• Establishing a “Broken Window Policy” in our neighborhoods and downtown.•Crack down on overcrowding housing, and other issues hurting your neighborhood values.•Improving our town’s image downtown through landlord/owner responsibility• improving Code Enforcement office staffing and computerizationTaxes: Budget minus Grants/Revenue = Your Tax Levy:• Through computerization, government efficiency, and quality of life issues. We look to maximize your return on your tax dollars to help stabilize and control your Tax Levy.Working together:• For a better Riverhead, we need to repair our relationships with all levels of government; town, county, state, and federal. We need to work together reaching out to all to help stabilize if not shrink your Tax LevyWe make this pledge to you, as your elected officials

Riverhead Republican Party | P.O. Box 1428 | Riverhead, NY 11901